Hepatologist Sergey Vyalov in his Telegram channel spoke about a symptom that will tell you about big problems with the intestines.
According to the expert, a person has long ignored such mini-problems as rumbling, tingling, or abdominal discomfort. Often we sin on the stomach, completely forgetting about the intestines.
“Meanwhile, such harmless, at first glance, symptoms can be signs of colitis,” the hepatologist warned.
He said that if such a condition is ignored for at least three to four months, then colitis can smoothly turn into chronic, and then provoke a lot of consequences. Such a development of events can result in a violation of the blood circulation of the intestinal walls, polyps, adenoma, dysplasia, and then cancer.
Therefore, you should always take the signals of your stomach seriously. If a person has problems with going to the toilet for a couple of months, then the inflammatory process has probably already begun.
In this case, you need to start a medical examination as soon as possible, pass all the tests and start treatment, writes “Russian newspaper” .
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