The rumor has been circulating since yesterday. Michael Bloomberg would think of Hillary Clinton as vice-presidential candidate.
If I do not believe that this rumor is serious, neither the managers of the Bloomberg campaign nor the main interested party has definitively ruled out this possibility. On the side of Bloomberg, we limit ourselves to say that we are currently focused on the nomination contest, while Ms. Clinton cautiously replied that it would not happen, but it must never say never.
Already, the source behind this rumor is questionable. It comes from the conservative political commentator Matt Drudge. If Drudge already has some interesting scoops under his belt (the Clinton – Lewinsky scandal for example), since the beginning of the Trump presidency, problems seem to weigh down the management of his website The Drudge Report.
Many serious journalists and observers have noted that Drudge first supported Trump before falling into disgrace following the publication of several articles criticizing the administration. This so-called “scoop” of an alliance between Bloomberg and Clinton could only be a smokescreen.
Not only does the source of the rumor not seem very solid to me, but I also question the relevance of an association between Bloomberg and Clinton. Generally, the vice-presidential candidate offers qualities or characteristics that complement those of the presidential candidate. When we observe the weaknesses of the former mayor of New York, we wonder what Hillary can bring.
Can you imagine the reaction of the progressives in the Democratic Party if we formed this pair? It would add insult to injury. At a time when supporters of Bernie Sanders are already claiming that the Vermont senator is once again the victim of an unfavorable bias, we would throw the winner of the 2016 nomination in their paws?
Despite the three million votes that enabled him to win the popular vote in 2016, Hillary Clinton is a polarizing political figure. To enlist his services would probably be to abandon the idea of seducing some undecided people. It might help to exacerbate partisan voting, but it would not bring anything very new.
Donald Trump’s campaign can only welcome this rumor. The return of Hillary would also be the return of Donald Trump’s favorite slogans. In addition, the president could fully exploit a plot by the deep state and the establishment. I also wonder what the rest of the country would think when three New Yorkers fight for the presidency.
If I believe that this rumor is not very serious and that the probability that it will materialize is marginal, nothing prevents us from having a little fun and delirium. Can you imagine a Bloomberg-Clinton ticket to the presidency? Then imagine Michael Bloomberg, announcing that he is resigning … If Hillary then fulfilled her big dream of becoming the first woman to hold the presidency, I can hardly imagine the reaction of a majority of Americans, Republicans, and Democrats.
Okay, enough done. I’ll be back on Monday with a more serious ticket. Good Sunday to you all!