Leading the Alternative World Order

Reshaping Perspectives and Catalyzing Diplomatic Evolution

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Guidelines for Submitting an Opinion Piece to The Eastern Herald

What is an Opinion Piece?

An opinion piece, commonly known as an op-ed, is a written essay expressing a personal viewpoint or argument. It’s typically positioned opposite the editorial page in a newspaper and offers perspectives from staff columnists or external contributors. The content should present a clear stance, supported by concrete evidence, and does not necessarily reflect the opinions of The Eastern Herald.

Submission Guidelines

  • Word Limit: Submissions should be concise, ideally not exceeding 800 words.
  • Article Status: We accept only complete articles. Proposals or drafts will not be considered. The submission must be original and not previously submitted, posted, or published elsewhere.
  • Author Identification: Include your full name, home address, email, and contact numbers. Anonymous submissions or those under pseudonyms are not accepted.
  • Disclosure: Any personal or financial interests related to the article’s subject must be disclosed.

Selection Criteria

  • Timeliness: Is the piece relevant to current news?
  • Resonance: Will it engage The Eastern Herald’s readers?
  • Originality: Does it offer a fresh perspective?
  • Background: While special expertise isn’t necessary, your background or experience should lend credibility to your viewpoint.
  • Diverse Voices: We encourage submissions from all walks of life, irrespective of titles or positions.

Response Time

Due to the volume of submissions, if you do not hear from us within a week, it’s likely that we will not be able to publish your piece.

Editing Process

All submissions undergo editing for clarity, language precision, and logical argumentation. They are also fact-checked and may be adjusted for space constraints. Contributors will have the opportunity to review and approve all edits before publication.

Solicitation of Op-eds

While we review all unsolicited pieces, we also proactively seek contributions on specific topics, especially during breaking news events.

To submit your pitch click here.

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