Doctors of the World France and the Union of Relief and Medical Care Organizations France have written to the French President to alert him to the situation and denounce the difficulties they encounter in coming to the aid of populations.
They can no longer “tolerate the terror and death that has fallen the Syrian civilian populations for months and more specifically in the Idlib region since the end of April 2019” for longer. Two NGOs, Medecins du Monde France and the Union of Relief and Medical Care Organizations in France, wrote to President Emmanuel Macron in a letter published by France-Info this Monday, December 30, asking him to respond to the “humanitarian disaster” that is happening right now in Idlib, Syria.
If they welcome “the French position to condemn the bombing of Idlib and the immediate request for de-escalation “, the NGOs consider that this position is not “sufficient”.
The associations, which present themselves as “ non-governmental medical actors working in Syria”, are indignant at the difficulties they encounter in coming to the aid of the populations and wish to “alert to the dramatic situation observed by the teams in the province of ‘Idlib right now’:
Deliberately and strategically deprived of food and medical care for months by intensive bombardments and massive population displacements which make fear the worst, the region of Idlib is dying in silence in front of an international community that seems resigned.
“Death of international humanitarian law”
“We have been denouncing systematic violations of international humanitarian law for months and do not want Idlib to sign the death of this right”, continue the associations, which also accuses the international community of “refusing” this population “humanitarian aid” which would be a real relief ”.
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“In these times of celebrations and moments of happiness shared with the family, how can France and the international community remain deaf and blind to the humanitarian distress of these millions of people? “ Wonder the authors of the letter, who request an interview with Emmanuel Macron so that solutions are found.
Joined by “the Parisian”, Dr. Wasel al-Jerk, surgeon based in Idlib, also testifies to the difficulties of helping populations: “The bombing does not stop, we receive a lot of people in hospitals and we cannot afford to treat them, ”he explains.
For the displaced, the humanitarian needs are enormous. They settle in makeshift camps, not provided with infrastructure, water, housing.
Over 235,000 displaced in two weeks
In the past two weeks, more than 235,000 Syrians have been displaced due to the intensification of the offensive by the regime and its Russian ally in the northwest of the country, according to the UN. These massive displacements come at the worst moment, while the region is hit by heavy showers that flood the camps of displaced people.
Damascus and Moscow carried out a major offensive in the Idlib region between April and August, killing a thousand civilians, according to the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, and already causing the flight of 400 000 people reports the UN.
The conflict in Syria, sparked in 2011 by Damascus’ suppression of pro-democracy protests, has left more than 370,000 people dead and millions displaced and refugees.