There are 3 confirmed cases of coronavirus in Piedmont. The three suspected cases in the province of Cuneo, after repeating the tests, were in fact negative.
112 people are affected by coronaviruses in Lombardy, including 17 hospitalized in intensive care. Welfare councilor Giulio Gallera said so. “Today there has been another death in Crema – said Gallera.
In addition to the first lady we found dead in the house for which we made the swab, we now have another death of a person, or rather a lady who died in the hospital of Crema hospitalized in oncology with a very compromised situation that also had the Coronavirus.
Among the last infected in Lombardy, there is a 17-year-old resident in Valtellina. The boy studies at the Agricultural Institute of Codogno and has tested positive. The student, from the municipality of Valdidentro, had returned home on Friday evening after the schools closed in the area, but yesterday morning he woke up with a 40-degree fever, so as to induce the parents to call 112 who implemented the protocols intervention.
The positive outcome of the swab, which had been brought to Sacco in Milan, arrived in the morning, but yesterday the people with whom the 17-year-old had had contacts were identified; among these, some Valtellinese students from the same school, with whom he had made the return trip.
Cases of people infected with coronavirus in Veneto have risen to 24 (excluding the deceased man). Among the new sick also two elderly people from Venice, hospitalized in the city hospital.
This was announced by Governor Luca Zaia a little while ago. In the outbreak of Vo ‘Euganeo alone there are now a total of 19 infections. Among the infected are a cardiologist, a nurse and a cleaner from the hospital in Dolo where the man from Mira (Venice) was hospitalized, now in intensive care in Padua.
This was announced by the Governor of Veneto Luca Zaia, during a pause in the work of the task force at the Civil Protection headquarters. For the two elderly people in Venice, Zaia said: “”we hoped they came from elsewhere but they are Venetians so the virus is also here””.
Emilia Romagna
9 cases of people tested positive for coronavirus in Emilia- Romagna are confirmed, all in charge at the Piacenza hospital, including 4 in-home isolation and the other 5 hospitalized.
The outgoing councilor for health Sergio Venturi said it during a press conference in the Region. Nobody is in critical condition and all the infections are attributable to the Lodi outbreak. «A patient has been hospitalized since 17 February in Piacenza. He is currently no longer in intensive care. He has respiratory failure but is not in conditions of concern, “said the councilor.
Three cases of coronavirus have also been ascertained in Trentino. The president of the Province Maurizio Fugatti has made it known explaining that it is a Lombard family who arrived on Friday in Trentino for a holiday and coming from one of the outbreak areas of the virus.
The family resided in an apartment and the transfer to a Lombard hospital is already underway. The three accused fever between 37 and 38 degrees and tests revealed positivity to the virus. Spallanzani’s counter-analyzes are awaited.
To these must be added the 2 Chinese tourists still hospitalized at Spallanzani in Rome.