Less than half of French people (45%) already know who they will vote for on March 15 in the first round of municipal elections, according to an Odoxa Dentsu consulting poll published on Thursday.
On the other hand, less than three weeks before the poll, 41% of those questioned are undecided: 30% will vote but are still hesitant about the list they will choose, and 11% are neither sure to vote nor know which list they could choose.
As of now, 14% reply that they will not vote, a proportion far removed from the abstention actually registered in 2014, in the first round of municipal elections (36.45%), according to this survey for Le Figaro and Franceinfo.
Nearly one in two French (46%) think that the list for which they will vote “can improve things”, 32% want to re-elect the municipal team in place and 14% “sanction Emmanuel Macron and the government”.
Asked about the priorities of their future mayor, those interviewed put the safety of goods and people first (49%), ahead of the development of the local economy, the environment and the fight against pollution (35% each). Three responses were possible.
Two out of three French people (65%) finally think that Emmanuel Macron must reshuffle the government after the municipal elections.
A survey carried out online on February 25 and 26 among 1,004 people aged 18 and over, using the quota method. The margin of error from 1.4 to 3.1 points.