Frankfurt Airport closes Terminal 2

Frankfurt Airport is responding to the slump in passenger numbers and will close a complete terminal from April 7.

FRANKFURT – Due to the lack of passengers in the Corona crisis, Frankfurt Airport closes one of its two passenger terminals. Terminal 2 will remain closed from next Tuesday, April 7, including the car park, the operator company Fraport said on Thursday. The handling will then be concentrated in Terminal 1 in area B.

Fraport justified the blockage with the ever-decreasing demand. “With the foreseeable expiry of the return flights, the volume at the location will be a minus of about 95 percent,” said a spokesman. Last year, more than 70 million passengers were handled at Germany’s largest airport, peaking at more than 240,000 a day. Only 119,000 passengers had been registered throughout the week from March 23 to 29.

Fraport is currently building a third passenger terminal, which is designed to accommodate around 21 million passengers a year.