Berlin – CDU General Secretary Paul Ziemiak has highlighted the European policy of the former chancellor and party leader Helmut Kohl as a role model for European policy in times of the Corona crisis. “We should all remember Helmut Kohl’s words:” Europe is our future. Europe is our destiny », said Ziemiak of the German press agency in Berlin. The CDU is working to continue this work.
“We owe it not only to Helmut Kohl but above all to our children and grandchildren, who should grow up in a Europe that continues to stand for peace, freedom, security, and prosperity.”
Europe is “questioned by many, especially in these turbulent times,” said Ziemiak. “The current fight against the coronavirus shows more than ever that Europe has to stick together.” Kohl would have turned 90 on April 3. He was born on April 3, 1930, in Ludwigshafen and died on June 16, 2017, after a long illness in his house in the Oggersheim district in Rhineland-Palatinate.