Berlin » Chancellor Minister Helge Braun (CDU) emphasized with regard to the corona pandemic that the climax of the crisis in Germany is still to come.
It is now the task of the Federal Government to “prepare ourselves for our population for the most difficult part of this crisis,” said Braun to the “Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagsnewspaper”. “The time with the highest infection numbers is still ahead of us.” Before the current restrictions began, there was a “doubling every three days”. So that the healthcare system is not overwhelmed, doubling times of significantly more than ten days are necessary. “Probably even twelve or fourteen days.”
With regard to schools closed due to the corona pandemic, Braun said the idea that children “behave 100 percent according to our distance rules in the school playground is not very realistic”. If they came home, they might meet their grandparents. “Then infection chains can quickly develop.”
Regarding the economic situation, the Chancellor’s Office said: «The idea that we may soon no longer be able to care for some sick people in Germany because the number of infections is rising is so serious that I say: The most important thing first is that we avoid this. The economy is a big step behind. »
The deputy head of the FDP parliamentary group, Katja Suding, told “Spiegel” that the federal government must quickly present an exit strategy. In view of the drastic measures, she criticized that the government’s communication was not clear enough, “it can be done better”.
SPD health expert Karl Lauterbach countered in the news magazine: “As politicians, we should not complain now, but explain the hard but necessary measures to the citizens,” he said. “Who knows if they shouldn’t even be tightened.”
The German Foundation for Patient Protection said that an exit strategy made sense. “It is therefore important to make the old people’s homes in Germany crisis-proof,” said board member Eugen Brysch on Sunday. But there is still no basic protection against the virus. «Chain infections among residents of nursing homes and nursing staff can only be avoided if tests, quarantine, care and medical and nursing help are intact. The efforts of the federal, state and local governments are far from sufficient here.