Saarbrucken – Some politicians are currently feeling the effects of closed hairdressing salons on their own heads. CDU boss Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer told the Saarbrucker Newspaper: “If hairdressers are closed for a while, I will soon look at least in terms of hairstyle like I did in the 1980s.” She is now forced to let her hair grow, “which is really difficult with short hairstyles,” said the Minister of Defense. “In the morning I try to tame it somehow.”
The Rhineland-Palatinate Prime Minister Malu Dreyer (SPD) already misses hairdressing visits in the Corona crisis, said a spokeswoman for the newspaper. Dreyer hopes “to avoid a bad hair day as much as possible”.
Federal Minister of Economics Peter Altmaier (CDU) is not aware of such problems: “I am in a good situation: Since I was appointed Federal Minister of the Environment in 2012, I have basically cut my few remaining hairs myself,” he said. “Nevertheless, I sincerely wish all hairdressing shops that they will be there for their customers again soon,” emphasized Altmaier.