Holy masses with the people are still not celebrated in Croatia, in accordance with a decision by the HBK that followed a state provision banning public gatherings due to the coronavirus epidemic. Plenkovic’s government has announced that religious gatherings will be allowed from May 2, but the bishop’s decision is still pending.
In Poland, the coronavirus pandemic has increased the number of masses, while Austria has devised a model to be applied from 15 May.
Masses increased in Poland
Because of the coronavirus pandemic, Poland has decided to have more masses during the day, with a limit on the number of people who can be present at one in 50.
Holy Masses are held from 7 am to 1.30 pm every half hour, with three in the afternoon. There can be as many as 50 people each, leading to 850 people in a matter of hours.
Religious gatherings in Austria from May 15
Religious will have to wear protective masks at worship services throughout Austria, and will have to adhere to a security clearance of two meters, the Catholic Press Agency (KTA) reports.
Austria has decided that religious gatherings will start on May 15th. But at worship services, worshipers will need to have protective masks and will have to adhere to a safety clearance of two meters.
So, for example, in Vienna’s capital of St. The 3000-square-foot Stephen, with 1350 seats, will seat only 150 people in the world. So is Salzburg. Linz Cathedral will only accommodate 215 people. The smaller Austrian cathedral will only accommodate 30 to 35 people.
The Mariazell Basilica in Styria will be able to accommodate 125 believers. In smaller village churches there will be only four believers. Entrances to cathedrals and major churches must be regulars, the Catholic News Agency (KTA) reported Friday.