Dr Mike Ryan, WHO chief executive, firmly defended the approach of this Scandinavian country, which has come under criticism from the public for the mild measures it has introduced.
“I think there is a perception out there that Sweden did not control the measures and that it simply allowed the disease to spread,” Ryan said. “That couldn’t be further from the truth. Sweden has introduced a very strong public health policy, the physical distance of people, care and protection of people in hospitals and other institutions, ”he added.
“Model for the future”
“What she has done differently is that she has relied on her relationship with citizens and on the ability and willingness of citizens to carry out the physical distance and self-regulate if you want to use that word,” Ryan continued.
He described the Swedish approach to coronavirus as “partnership with the population”.
“If we want to achieve new normality, Sweden will in many ways be a model for the future if we want to return to a life without quarantine,” he said in Geneva.
According to recent data, Sweden has just over 20,000 confirmed cases of coronaviruses and more than 2,400 deaths, Index reports.
As is well known, Sweden opted for a much more liberal measure, that is, it did not go for the introduction of restrictive measures of movement, but allowed the work of cafes, restaurants and similar activities that people continue to casually visit.
Gathering more than 50 people is forbidden, calls for personal responsibility, work from home, cafes and restaurants are urged not to sit next to each other, elementary schools are open while high school and college students learn from home.