In a sorrowful situation, a rare “Capped Langur” (locally called Tupi Muria Bandor) was dead by an electric shock at world-famous Hoollongapar Gibbon Sanctuary at Mariani of Jorhat in Assam.
According to the sources, a number of Capped Langur suddenly crossed an 11 thousand heavy volt electric carrying wire very near the Gibbon National reserve Forest at Mariani, and unfortunately one Capped Langur touched the wire and immediately burnt by electric shock.
It is important to mention here that due to very near crossing an 11 thousand heavy volt electric carrying wire of the Gibbon National Reserve Forest at Mariani, a number of auspicious wild animals are getting killed regularly.
Finally, the concerned forest officials of the Gibbon National Reserve forest took necessary steps to postmortem the animal. The animal lovers are demanding strict actions against these killings and deaths of wild animals.