The American actor Gregory Tyree Boyce, who became famous for his role in the vampire movie Twilight, died of a drug overdose. This was announced on Tuesday, June 2 by The Hollywood Reporter .
The reasons for the death of the artist to journalists told the coroner from Las Vegas, John Fudenberg. According to him, 30-year-old Boyce used cocaine and fentanyl in the company of a 27-year-old girlfriend. As a result, both “went over” with substances, poisoned, and died from an overdose. The actor’s bodies and his girlfriend were discovered on May 13 in Boyce’s apartment in Las Vegas.
The actor has a ten-year-old daughter Alaya.
In the Twilight saga, Boyce played Tyler Crowley, a student at Forks High School. His character almost knocked down the main character in the car – Bella, whose role was played by Kristen Stewart. Bella was saved due to the fact that the vampire Edward, the character of Robert Pattinson, stopped the car with his hand, thereby confirming the girl’s guess about his supernatural abilities.
Also in 2018, Boyle played the role of Cowboy in the short film Apocalypse. Currently, as his mother Lisa Wayne told Facebook, the actor was preparing to open his own restaurant.