Beksac stated that the solar disk on the stone altar was used to observe the movements of the Moon and the Sun, which confirms that the Thracians were engaged in astronomy.
Archaeologists have discovered a sun disk on a stone altar in the ancient settlement of Thrace in northwestern Turkey, Anatolia reports.
The head of the Department of Art History at the University of Thrace, Engin Beksac, said the stone altar found in Edirne was at least 3,500 years old.
He stated that the solar disk on the stone altar was used to observe the movements of the Moon and the Sun, which confirms that the Thracians were engaged in astronomy.
Beksac said that he discovered the stone altar a few years ago and that it was an altar where Thracians performed religious rites and worship.
He pointed out that the newly discovered solar disk provides important data for a better understanding of that period.
- We do not encounter such a system much in Eastern Thrace. There are not many such examples in Edirne. We have examples of this type of solar disk in Bulgaria. This shows us that the temples were used in astronomical observations – said Beksac.