Pope Francis asked “to react urgently” to climate change and called for caring for the environment with education for the care of the Earth and proposed to face the environmental crisis improve access to drinking water, food and promote an energy transition with clean energy.
“Science tells us, with more precision every day, that urgent action is needed if we are to have any hope to avoid climate change. radical and catastrophic“, raised the pontiff in a video message addressed to the “Countdown” event , organized by TED to find solutions to climate change.
“And for this, act urgently. This is a scientific fact “, stressed the Pope.
“Conscience tells us that we cannot be indifferent to the suffering of the poorest , in the face of growing economic inequalities and social injustices, “said Francisco in his message.
“Y the economy itself cannot be limited to production and distribution. It must necessarily consider its impact on the environment and the dignity of the person “, said Francisco
He also launched three proposals to face the environmental crisis, including “promoting, at all levels, education in the care of the common home” to explain that “environmental problems are linked to human needs” and that it is “Based on scientific data and an ethical approach”.
“As a second proposal, we must put the emphasis on water and food”, asked Francisco, before calling as a third line of action an “energy transition” that implies “a progressive substitution, but without delay, fossil fuels with sources of clean energy”.