Former Vice President Joe Biden ahead of ASP President Donald Trump in recent polls … No, the elections are not over yet, and Trump still has a slim chance of winning, CNN writes .
But a look at history shows that Biden is better positioned today than any poll candidate for the US presidential election since 1936.
Interview ABC News and Washington Post , published on Sunday, was the latest poll to point to Biden’s strength. The Democrat is ahead of Trump by 12% – 55% versus 43% among likely voters. The poll was the third high-quality national poll released this week that Biden is at least 10 percent ahead of Trump and is above 50 percent. Two other polls provided CNN and SSRS and Fox News…
Indeed, Biden’s averages in the polls are about 52-53% and the lead over Trump is about 10-11 percent. This is an unprecedented position for a challenger 22 days before the US presidential election.
In the 21 previous presidential elections since 1936, there were only five contenders who led the polls. Of these five, only one – Bill Clinton in 1992 – was more than 5 percent ahead of its rival. None of them had more than 48% in the polls. In other words, Biden is the first challenger to exceed 50% in the final round of the presidential campaign.