Google has banned Kisan Andolan mobile search in India

Kisan Andolan information banned on Google
Kisan Andolan information banned on Google

It’s been more than 3 months now and farmers are protesting against the ordinance act passed by the ruling BJP party. Farmers accuse this act of being against farmers and favoring the big corporates in India.

Farmers’ protest is a unique protest and some claim it to be the biggest protest of the century.

Recently we’ve noticed that Google has specifically blocked the term “What is Kisan Andolan?” in India.

Mobile users are not able to find any results when they type “What is Kisan Andolan?”. Is google being directed by the authorities to block this term?

There is another issue

It has been noticed that if using your mobile google search app if one tries to search the term “What is Kisan Andolan?” Google asks to turn on the location without displaying any results. Even after turning on the location, the following screen appears. 

Kisan Andolan information banned on Google
Kisan Andolan information banned on Google

Immediately upon discovery, The Eastern Herald notified Google on Twitter.

Google has not replied yet.

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