Newly elected US President Joe Biden will nominate Victoria Nuland as Undersecretary for Political Affairs and Wendy Sherman as Undersecretary of State.
Politico magazine previously announced that Nuland and Sherman would be nominated for the mentioned positions. Both are considered political veterans, and Nuland’s proposal to be undersecretary for political affairs is an indication of Biden’s policy toward Russia and Ukraine.
Sherman was part of the administrations of Presidents Barack Obama and Bill Clinton.
On the other hand, Nuland was the US ambassador to NATO while the president was George Bush Jr. She was also the spokeswoman for the Secretary of State while Hillary Clinton held that position.
At the “Croatia Forum in Dubrovnik 2014”. She spoke about Bosnia and Herzegovina, saying that, as she said, it was stuck on the Euro-Atlantic path.
“From Dayton to Donetsk, the United States is proud to have worked hard for 20 years with the countries present here to build a free and integrated Europe living together in peace,” she said, after which she visited Montenegro, Albania, Kosovo, Serbia, and Northern Macedonia.
A year later, Nuland visited Bosnia and Herzegovina, as well as Croatia, Montenegro, Kosovo, Northern Macedonia, Albania, and Serbia. On July 11 of that year, she visited Srebrenica to mark the 20th anniversary of the genocide. At that time, she also met with several Bosnian officials.