The Japanese government intends to modernize the country’s missile arsenal in order to obtain at its disposal weapons capable of hitting targets on the territory of the Russian Federation. This was reported on Thursday, January 28 by the Japanese newspaper Mainichi Shimbun.
According to the newspaper, Tokyo expects to upgrade the Hitonishiki anti-ship missiles, which have a range of 200 kilometers. At the first stage, it was decided to increase the distance of their application to 900 km, and later – to bring it to 1500 km. In addition, it was decided to make the product invisible to Russian radars.
“If the range of the Japanese missiles is increased, they can also be used to destroy missile bases, airfields and other enemy targets … When the missiles are ready, they are planned to be deployed to American bases in Asia – thanks to this, it will be possible to strike at Russia, China, and North Korea. “, – noted in the material.
According to the newspaper, Tokyo intends to spend 33.5 billion yen, that is, about $ 320 million, on the creation of long-range missile weapons.
In August 2020, it was reported that Japan would help the United States create a network of low-orbit satellites that would allow real-time tracking of the activity of the Russian military, including missile launches. They will also be able to correct strikes against maneuvering targets on the territory of the Russian Federation. The project involves the launch of about a thousand miniature satellites into orbit, which will be located at altitudes from 300 to 1000 km.