The Chinese Embassy in the United States, against the backdrop of a statement by American President Joe Biden, who did not rule out that the coronavirus was produced in a laboratory, accused “politicians who draw attention to this topic” of libel and shifting the blame.
In a statement posted on the website of the Chinese Embassy in Washington, it is clarified that some people are still referring to “their old training manual.”
“Did they leave this bitter lesson in the past so quickly? Recently, some people tried to play an old trick of drawing attention to themselves on the topic of the origin of the coronavirus, ”the diplomatic mission said.
Beijing interpreted the statement as a campaign of defamation and blame-shifting. According to representatives of the embassy, some politicians have tried to manipulate and blame them for this since the beginning of the coronavirus pandemic.
We will remind that earlier the press service of the White House published a release in which it did not rule out the version of the spread of COVID-19 due to an accident in a scientific laboratory.