Syringes with the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccines to be administered against the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) lie on a tray during a program without an appointment in Sant Vicenc de Casteller, north of Barcelona, Spain, July 6, 2021. REUTERS/ Albert Gea

Hours after the American company Pfizer and its German partner Bionict announced their intention to request emergency permission to give the third dose of their vaccine against the Coronavirus, the Food and Drug Administration and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in the United States said, Thursday, that fully vaccinated people do not need a booster dose. Currently.

And the joint statement stated: “People who have been fully vaccinated are protected from serious complications and death, including from infection with new variants that are currently spreading such as Delta,” according to what was reported by the CNN website.

The delta variant, discovered in India for the first time, is the predominant strain of coronavirus in the United States, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

The Pfizer-Biontech alliance is heading “in the coming weeks” to request permission to give the third dose of its anti-Covid-19 vaccine, in the United States and Europe in particular, according to the two companies announced in a statement.

The coalition said it was seeking emergency-use approval for a booster dose in August after more data was released about the effectiveness of a third dose of the vaccine.

The statement added that they “are going to submit this data to the US Food and Drug Administration, the European Medicines Agency and other regulatory authorities in the coming weeks.”

In contrast, the joint statement of the Food and Drug Administration and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said, “We continue to review any new data as it becomes available and will keep the public informed. We will be ready for booster doses when the science proves they are needed.”

The Pfizer-Biontech statement notes that “preliminary study data show that a booster dose administered 6 months after the second dose” provides “high levels of antibodies” to the virus, including against the beta mutant that has emerged in South Africa. These levels are “5 to 10 times higher” than those seen after the first two doses.

Earlier last month, the results of an American study showed that the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines against the emerging coronavirus may provide protection against Covid-19 disease for years and possibly life.

The New York Times said about the study, which was recently published in the journal Nature, “The results add to the growing evidence that most people who have been vaccinated with the mRNA vaccines may not need boosters (additional doses), as long as the virus and new strains of it do not evolve much.

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