No serious company today can live without IT systems. Logisticians, personnel officers, retailers, taxi companies, hairdressers, restaurants, pharmacies, concert halls, travel agencies, banks – everyone has to deal with programs, servers, and other non-core stuff.
It is clear that all these business structures do not claim to be technological giants. Yes, they don’t really want to – it’s none of their business. Logisticians carry, restaurants feed, and hairdressers cut. And in order to overtake competitors, you have to implement this very IT.
This is how miraculous servers, services, and operating systems appear in business. There is only one problem: you have to pay for all this – buy, rent, and hire people. It is expensive. And don’t say it’s easy.
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Fortunately, at some point, the IT gods sent cloud servers and services to earth that live somewhere with a service provider, and he monitors them, updates them, and configures them. Cloud computing is an example of when someone takes all the risks and problems of operation, and you just have to run a program on a cloud server that will save time for your logisticians and administrators. According to , the global cloud computing market was valued at USD 522 billion in 2022. It is expected to reach USD 2,972.6 billion at a CAGR of 19% between 2022 to 2032.
In short, cloud computing is for those who need to solve IT infrastructure tasks, but do not want to hire people on their own, set up servers, and make sure that the entire computer industry works.