The trend of road trips does not lose its relevance. The car travel format allows you to get incomparable pleasure from the road and feel completely free, without having to obey public transport schedules or weather conditions. Traveling by car means making new discoveries, and making it even more practical with the project trips which invites you to explore unique and magnificent routes behind the wheel of the EXEED VX SUV.
The routes waiting for the participants of the project can safely be called difficult to reach: it is difficult to get there on your own – both due to the remoteness and the closed nature of the objects. With all their diversity, these areas have one thing in common: on mountain serpentines, and in sandy steppes, and on forest roads, and of course, on highways, EXEED VX feels confident and provides driving pleasure. amazing.
Image source: EXEED Travel
With the EXEED Travel project, you can find yourself in the remote corners of Karelia, on the ice of Lake Baikal, conquer the Silk Road or witness the launch of a rocket at the Baikonur Cosmodrome. Wherever travelers go, the convoy is always accompanied by an experienced instructor who not only ensures maximum safety, but also helps to overcome the most difficult sections.
Image source: EXEED Travel
Particular attention is paid to the excursion and the gastronomic component of the tour, so any trip can rightly be called a unique multi-purpose experience that will bring unforgettable emotions, new knowledge and driving skills in great variety of conditions.
Image source: EXEED Travel
At the beginning of the project, participants were offered 6 routes: Karelia – Zaonezhye and Ladoga, Lake Baikal, the pearls of Uzbekistan, the mountain beauty of Tien Shan and the epicenter of Russian cosmonautics Baikonur. The route lasts about 5-6 days, you can go on a trip with family, friends or find a company directly on the route.