It is for the purpose of education – especially of today’s youth – that the City Council of Veterans, Armed Forces, Law Enforcement and Home Front Workers of Bishkek, with the support of the town hall, published a book with unique information about all the monuments to the soldiers of the republic in the capital of Kyrgyzstan. “RG” could not ignore this news and, with the permission of the head of the council, retired Colonel Melis Beisheev, publishes excerpts from an interesting book.
Many similar monuments in Bishkek are, as they say, prominent. For example, the seven-meter-tall Mikhail Vasilievich Frunze on a horse at the station or a black plaque on a pedestal dedicated to the “courage of the Leningraders and the nobility of the Kyrgyz” in the South Gate Park of the capital of the Republic of Kyrgyzstan. But there are also monuments about which little is known today. Some of them will be discussed.
factory warriors
Let’s start with the stele “Eternal memory to the Selmash soldiers who fell in battle for their homeland”. The monument is located on the territory of the former Frunze Agricultural Engineering Plant. This memorial appeared in 1990 thanks to the perseverance of the chairman of the board of veterans of the enterprise, Petr Grigoryevich Glukhoverov, and his colleagues. The names of 284 factory workers who went to war and never returned have been immortalized on granite slabs.
“Letters were sent by relatives of the dead with a request to erect a monument at the entrance,” the book says. “The final decision was made in 1985 by the Council of Ministers of the Kyrgyz SSR. Selmash workers collected 28,000 rubles for the stele. The opening took place on May 8, 1990.
After the collapse of the USSR and the ruin of the factory, the monument began to crumble. It seemed like no one cared about him. But there are good people. The leadership of the International Medical School responded to a request for assistance from the City Veterans Council. The stele was repaired, painted, fenced with metal bars and flowers were planted. An abandoned monument came to life.”
Railway workers are not forgotten
The obelisk dedicated to the memory of the railwaymen who died during the Second World War stands on the square of the forecourt of the Pishpek station. The monument was erected in 1965 by the workers of the N8 bridge construction detachment under the leadership of Pavel Vasilyevich Kravchenko.
On the front side of the obelisk is the inscription “No one is forgotten, nothing is forgotten”. On the back – the names of railway workers called from the city of Frunze and died at the front. Only 25 people.
“Every year, on the eve of Victory Day, a requiem rally is held here in honor of the feat of Soviet soldiers in the Great Patriotic War. Teachers and students of the 43rd and 44th schools and the 97th high school participate in it,” said the authors highlight the editions.
Brothers of the village
On May 7, 1995, in the village of Chon-Aryk, on Victory Street, a monument was opened to villagers who died during the Great Patriotic War.
“From the collective farm” Kyrgyzstan “, located not far from Frunze and uniting three villages – Chon-Aryk, Orto-Sai and Kyrgyzstan, 411 villagers left for the front, of which 157 did not return … At first In the 1990s, at the suggestion of locals, three villages in the village council decided to erect a monument to the memory of compatriots who gave their lives for the peaceful future of the country on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War .The author of the composition was the artist and sculptor Ivan Ilyich Gilev.
During the erection of the monument, relatives of veterans, businessmen and villagers helped financially. The author of the composition embodied his idea through the images of soldiers of different nationalities. Victory in the war was won because all the peoples of our great homeland stood side by side to defend the country. On the bas-relief are the faces of mothers, wives, children who escorted the soldiers to the front and helped to forge Victory in the rear. Immediately behind the monument are open spaces, from which our compatriots did not have time to breathe,” the publication said.
Melis Beisheev, Chairman of the City Council of Veterans, Armed Forces, Law Enforcement and Home Front Workers of Bishkek:
- The published book is a tribute to the memory of the heroes of the bloodiest war in the history of mankind. A monument is an idea sent from the past to the future. She lives with us and for us. Our main task is to find such forms of use of monuments that will help to educate the people, especially the younger generation, in the spirit of morality, patriotism, respect for the past and the present.
hero busts
A newspaper page is not enough to tell about all the monuments of Bishkek. There are also monuments dedicated to Batken soldiers who repelled militant incursions in 1999-2000 (installed in 2004), Komsomol members and military leaders (Mikhail Frunze and Ivan Panfilov) who fought on the front lines of wars civil and patriotic ( Mikhail Frunze and Ivan Panfilov), the blockade of Leningrad and the Second World War.
Most of all, in the capital of the Kyrgyz Republic there are monuments to the citizens of Kyrgyzstan – the heroes of the Soviet Union. A total of 76 people received a gold star for their exploits on the battlefield. Among them are Daiyr Asanov (a complete monument is located on the territory of the Kyrgyz National Military Lyceum), Kalyynur Usenbekov, Timur Frunze (a bust of the son of Mikhail Frunze is installed in the Abdraimov Aviation Institute), Cholponbai Tuleberdiev, Ismailbek Taranchiev, Stepan Sushchev, Duishonkul Shopokov, Nikolai Ananiev, Grigory Petrenko, Ivan Moskalenko, Grigory Konkin. Busts of the Final Five stand on the Alley of Heroes in the center of Young Guard Boulevard
According to the head of the Bishkek City Council for Veterans, Melis Beisheev, the condition of all monuments in Bishkek is now good.