According to him, the dictionary will reflect “the lexical richness, taking into account the changes that have taken place in recent decades in connection with socio-economic and political changes in cultural life”.
The scientist reminded that the Explanatory Dictionary of the Belarusian Literary Language in two volumes was also published last year. He said that he takes into account the changes that have taken place, the borrowings that have entered the Belarusian language, the words that have replenished its lexical composition over the past decades.
In addition, studies of the Belarusian language of the 19th century are actively being carried out, an explanatory dictionary of the past century is being prepared for publication, and dictionaries of individual writers have been prepared. Among the first names, Kopylov called “the legacy of Dunin-Martsinkevich”.
At all stages of its historical development, the scientist summarized, the Belarusian language “contributed to the formation of self-identity and confirmed its viability and necessity with its development.”
Incidentally, the agency recalls, February 21 is International Mother Language Day. It was created in 1999 during the 30th session of the General Conference of UNESCO, and the holiday is already included in the world calendar in the new millennium. The UN approved the setting of a new date and called on states to help preserve the languages of the peoples of the Earth.