Brynjar Níelsson, who is the new guest on Sölva Tryggvason’s podcast, says he has a rule not to say big things about people online, unless he’s saying it to other people himself. .
“I often hold myself back and don’t say everything I think online, even though there is a certain group that is very angry with me. I also often find that I have gone too far and then I walk away. realizing and stepping back. I can understand that sometimes people get mad at me, but I try to only address my words to those who themselves have trolled other people online. I don’t I would never have harsh words about people who haven’t gotten much involved on the internet, I happen to be so surprised at the extremes of some people that I consider it a matter of fairness to say what a lot of people think, but few dare to say. One of the things that annoys me the most is when celebrities try to fight and get points for moralizing when they haven’t even studied the issues. These people are often very angry and call people evildoers, inhumans and other things like that, j ust if people don’t agree. I usually try to keep it light when dealing with these people because anger doesn’t do you any good,” he says.
Is stewardship in decline?
Brynjar says he wonders if tolerance is generally on the decline compared to people talking.
“I think tolerance has become much less than it used to be. It has often become the case that if you disagree with me, you are my enemy. This thought seems to have become more dominant , which can’t be controlled with luck. We need to have room to disagree sometimes in a free society. If people sit down and discuss issues, they often find that they actually have less in common than we thought. But if you go straight to this thought that those who disagree are enemies and bad people, it’s hard to go back,” he says.
The hate speech debate
Brynjar sincerely thinks that the hate speech debate has gone down a very strange path and that we need to stop, because a certain group seems to want to own what is hate speech and what is not.
“People have broadened the concept of hate speech so much that it should almost be a criminal offense if not everyone agrees with you. So it’s actually a specific group that wants to have this discussion and decide what is hate speech and what is not.Often these people themselves find it only natural to attack individuals online and never consider whether it is acts as hate speech. But then when people have a different opinion than this group, everything becomes hate speech. This is not new and was done in the former Soviet states. Talking against the government and the majority then was betrayal and then you were destroying society and then the word hate speech was used like now The first step was exclusion, then it was imprisonment, and then it was over Siberia All dictators start small and always fight rs for a very good cause. The history of fascism is the history of people who first claimed to fight for a very noble cause. But then the overcrowding gets bigger and bigger. It’s a crazy debate that people can’t have different opinions. People need to see that the ongoing development is in many ways scary if it is allowed to continue unchecked and no one opts out,” he says.
The episode with Brynjar and all other Sölva episodes can be accessed at