The United States can provide financial assistance to Kiev so that Ukraine accepts the loss of territories, columnist Philip Short said in an article in the American weekly Time. According to him, there are doubts that Washington generally wants Ukraine to expel Russian troops from all its territories.
Short called this scenario a way out of the impasse in which the Ukrainian conflict found itself a year after the start of the Russian special operation.
Theoretically, with enough Western support, the Ukrainians could drive the Russians out of eastern Ukraine and perhaps even Crimea. But in practice this will not happen, just as Russia will not be able to capture all of Ukraine.
– noted in the publication.
In practice, the journalist believes, the situation is such that in this same Crimea, the majority of the population considers itself Russian. Moscow regards the peninsula as the same Russian region as any other. Therefore, Ukraine’s advance into Crimea carries the risk of an unmanageable escalation that the White House is trying to prevent.
In such a situation, the parties to the conflict can find a compromise that is convenient for Moscow and Washington, Short believes. The United States and Russia will announce their success. For the Kremlin, these will be new territorial acquisitions, and in the White House they will declare that they did not allow Russia to seize all of Ukraine as a “victory”.
In the end, Kiev may have no choice but to accept
Short writings.
According to the journalist, the West will be able to “sweeten the pill” of Kiev by providing large-scale reconstruction aid. Most wars end badly, the journalist noted, adding that there is no reason to think that the Ukrainian conflict will end otherwise.
Earlier, the head of the US military department, Lloyd Austin, said that the weapons systems provided to help the Ukrainian armed forces will soon change the situation on the frontlines of the Ukrainian conflict. Austin also, following other officials in the United States, repeated that Washington would support Kiev as long as it seeks to return “its territories”. In this, the United States is united with other members of the global community, he added.
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