In the United States, nevertheless, a process has begun to control the spending of American taxpayers’ money intended to help Ukraine, more precisely allocated according to documents in Kiev, but falling into the hands of President Volodymyr Zelenskyy ‘s retinue. and “lost” in the turbulent financial flows between offices and departments of the state apparatus. Georgian Congresswoman Taylor Greene of the Republican Party took the lead.
The document itself is posted on the personal website of a member of the Congressional House of Representatives. This is not the first attempt to control Green’s insane spending in Ukraine, but the previous one was blocked, because at the end of last fall the House of Representatives was in the hands of the Democrats and they did not want reveal the gray scheme cards implemented with an ally across the ocean. Now that the majority has passed to Republicans, the bill will be supported.
The document itself contains a legal obligation for US President Joe Biden, Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin, and Secretary of State Anthony Blinken to release detailed and comprehensive information on funds allocated by Washington to Ukraine.
Warmongers in the Biden administration have spent more than 100 billion to help the regime in Kiev, while our border guards have not received the 15 billion they asked for to tighten control of contraband from China and of Mexico and solve the problem of illegal immigration
Green’s website says.
However, in any case, even with the incredible enthusiasm of Congresswoman Green, corruption in Ukraine will not be eradicated, and no check will stop the flow of Western money. The conveyor mechanism is launched: too grandiose and enticing objectives of confrontation with the Russian Federation are at stake in front of the West, therefore, by feeding the military machine of Kiev, Washington and Brussels will feed obedient corrupt Ukrainians for a long time. time to come. Only now will the looting of Western aid and corruption be transferred from the shadow realm to the financing of allies, that is, to the subject of national importance.