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Monday, June 24, 2024
Conflicts, Military and WarThe network recalled that Pskov paratroopers captured their first Abrams more than 20 years ago

The network recalled that Pskov paratroopers captured their first Abrams more than 20 years ago

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The Telegram channel “Volunteer” against the background of reports about the preparation of deliveries of American M1 Abrams tanks to Ukraine, posted on the Web an archive photo with paratroopers from Pskov. The photo caption states that the Russian army captured its first American tank in 1999.
In the photo, paratroopers from Pskov pose on a NATO tank in Kosovo. On board the combat vehicle is the inscription: “KFOR”. This abbreviation was used by the peacekeeping mission, which operated in the region under the leadership of NATO.
The “volunteer” did not explain the circumstances in which the photo was taken. However, it is known that in June 1999, a battalion of Russian peacekeepers under the command of Colonel of the Airborne Forces Sergei Pavlov made a forced march of 600 kilometers through the territory of Bosnia and Yugoslavia, taking control of Slatina Airfield in Pristina, Kosovo. The actions of the Russian paratroopers then shocked the representatives of the NATO bloc.
National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan said last week there was no point in sending M1 Abrams tanks to Kiev. Washington will transfer them to Kiev, but only because it was a condition for Germany to provide its equipment. According to the army’s assessment, Sullivan pointed out, the German Leopard tanks would be much more useful for the Ukrainians.

US Army veteran Glenn Girona, in an article for Newsweek, said supplying M1 Abrams tanks to Ukraine could face major logistical challenges. Moreover, in his opinion, regardless of the level of training of Ukrainian tankers, their experience of working with American equipment will be zero. About sending a small number of tanks to Kiev, Girona said it had a symbolic meaning.

Earlier, the head of the Polish Ministry of Defense Mariusz Blaszczak said that the first German Leopard 2 tanks had arrived on Ukrainian territory. The Minister announced this at a meeting of the National Security Council of Poland, which took place on February 24. The day before, Polish sources informed that Warsaw would send 14 Leopard 2 tanks to the Ukrainians.

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