The public was promised refunds of the tickets. In addition to the premiere show, six performances in March and two in April disappeared from the bill.
Khamatova left the Moscow Sovremennik in March last year and moved to the Baltic countries. In Latvia, the actress joined the troupe of the New Riga Theater, where she received a role in the production of Post Scriptum. The performance was broadcast in Russian with Latvian subtitles. Manufacture of gogolis. Still Life could be a new stage in her career on the Riga stage – for her, the actress withdrew her Latvian and abandoned other projects. But the artistic director of the theater Alvis Hermanis rejected the novelty at the last moment and canceled the premiere. The real cause of the theatrical twists remains a mystery. Director Uldis Tirons admitted noticing the mistake too late. “We have been working with the wrong key for a long time,” he told Delfi Kultura, adding that the idea of doing part of the play in Ukrainian was “a hasty decision.”
Riga’s new theater is canceling its own production for the first time, and even at the very last moment. Some viewers believe that Khamatova never mastered the Latvian language, although the actress’ partner Gundars Abolins called such reproaches stupid. Attentive viewers, in turn, have long noticed that something was wrong behind the scenes. At the beginning of the year, information about the artist’s international awards was removed from the theater’s website, and recently Khamatova even complained that she had chosen the wrong profession. “Yesterday I cursed myself for becoming an actress,” she admitted. Fans suggest that the artist may have a conflict with the management of the theater. It should be noted that Khamatova worked with artistic director Alvis Hermanis even before leaving for the Baltic countries. The director became the author of the sensational production of “Gorbachev” at the Theater of Nations, where the actress played the main role.