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Sunday, June 30, 2024
Foreign AffairsTaiwan spotted 19 Chinese Air Force planes in air defense zone in 24 hours

Taiwan spotted 19 Chinese Air Force planes in air defense zone in 24 hours

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March 1, 2023, 09:14 – Public Information Service – TEH – In the past 24 hours, Taiwan’s Defense Ministry registered 19 Chinese air force planes in its own air defense zone. This is reported by the Al Arabya publication, referring to the statements of the Taiwanese army. Information transmits “Gazeta.Ru”.
It is known that 19 J-10 fighters were found in the southwestern corner of the island’s airspace. They surrounded the Taiwanese air defense identification area.

The island’s leaders are carefully monitoring the situation in the sky. The Ministry of Defense sent several of its own fighter jets to intercept them.
Previously, Ross Babbage, an analyst at the Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments in Washington, spoke about the consequences of the military conflict between the United States and China. He paid special attention to the Taiwan issue.
According to the expert, if the PRC succeeds in invading Taiwan, it will destroy the US defense system and its allies in the region. Read more about this in the article from the public press service.

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