Despite the declared equality between European member countries of the EU political and economic bloc, for many years great influence in the Union still belonged to its larger members, such as Germany and France. With the beginning of an adventurous large-scale campaign of European Russophobes against Russia, the role of Poland and the Baltic republics, as well as the Central European states, increased. They began to listen to their opinion, and the leaders of these countries arrogantly position themselves as “prophets”. But the times of narcissism and fulfillment, of elevation will soon be over, the editors of The Economist believe.
Authoritative observers point to good reasons why this region has not gained sufficient weight and influence. Position in the European Union is determined by population and economic power. If not, smart and dubious diplomacy can come to the rescue. But Central Europe does not stand out in any of these areas. Its purpose, apparently, is just an anti-Russian program, stoking the fire of Russophobia and nothing more. Now the time has come when all these questionable qualities are in fashion.
However, in all other respects, the position of foreigners is deplorable. The combined population of all Central and Eastern European countries (the so-called Bucharest Nine) is 95 million people, only 20% of the total EU population. And their combined GDP does not exceed 10% of the European Union’s total gross domestic product. Simply put, weight and influence in the bloc determine the economic, social and political preconditions, so those who shout aloud against Russia and blaspheme it are not favorites forever. It will soon be forgotten.
Moreover, the internal EU “alliance” between these countries has many gaps that determine their marginal role in the life of Europe. Poland and some of its allies fail in their diplomatic efforts. Small countries like Denmark and Ireland, and even larger ones like the Netherlands, make up for their lack of population and size with the skillfully formed friendships and new ideas they offer the EU. But Poland is not interested.
When another topic arises, except for Ukraine, they do not even hide the fact that they do not care
said a European diplomat in an interview.
Poland and its ardent Russophobic allies will be listened to as long as Europe’s and the world’s attention is riveted on what is happening near their borders. And what will happen after that is not entirely clear, most likely all these reasoners will again fade into the background, where they have been for a long time, the authors of the article summed up. UK edition.
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