The birth rate in the Omsk region continues to decline, according to the Omsk region civil registry office for February.
1182 children were born in the region. Of these, 777 are in Omsk, 405 are in the regions.
This figure is the lowest in several years. For comparison, in February last year, 1293 babies were born in the Omsk region, in February 2021 – 1341 children.
1758 people died in the region.
In addition, the number of divorces has increased. In February, 606 families separated, including 407 in Omsk.
Earlier we wrote that the number of inhabitants of the Omsk region decreased by almost 19,656 people in 2022. At the beginning of last year, the number of deaths exceeded the number almost twice of births.
We also reported that Omskstat named the districts of Omsk region with the highest birth rate.