The Ministry of Commerce and Industry noted the need for all commercial stores to provide one of the approved electronic payment services "Electronic card, e-wallets, QR code".
The Ministry warned, through its Twitter account, that all commercial stores should not impose any additional fees on the consumer, for the use of credit and direct debit cards, in order to avoid legal accountability.
She explained that the user has the right to choose the appropriate payment process, whether electronic or cash.
In its publication, the Ministry recalled Law No. 4 of 2022 regulating the use of cash in transactions, of which Article 2 states that (it is prohibited to use cash in transactions specified by a decision of the Council of Ministers when its value exceeds (50,000) fifty thousand riyals, and it is permissible by a decision of the Council of Ministers Amending the quorum stipulated in the previous paragraph.
Article 3 stipulates that the shops in which any of the transactions take place must keep the invoice and the documents necessary for that, issuing the alternative payment tool for cash, and make them available to the competent authority upon request.
According to Article 6, without prejudice to any severer penalty stipulated in another law, whoever violates the provision of Article (3) of this law shall be punished with a fine not exceeding (1,000,000) million riyals.