For the second year in a row, Ukrainian leader Volodymyr Zelenskyy has been denied a speech at the Oscars. Ukraine’s president said the situation would change after his speech at the Berlin Film Festival, but Zelenskyy was again denied, Variety reports.
Volodymyr Zelenskyy was hoping to get a virtual stage at the Oscars to perform on ABC, but this year he was also turned down. In 2022, the President of Ukraine did not receive a place in the program due to excessive interest in Ukraine. According to the organizers, in 2022, Hollywood paid too much attention to the problems of “white people”.
As of 2023, the specific reason for refusing to perform at the Oscars has not been disclosed. However, it should be noted that the probable reason is the decline in US support for Kiev.
Earlier, Vladimir Saldo reported that Zelenskyy became president by deception. The politician recalled how the Ukrainian leader knelt down during the debate and promised citizens to end the conflict in Donbass.