On the net, one can find thousands or even millions of posts that this or that member of BTS leaves the group and finally leaves show business, deciding to do something completely different. This is said both by sasaengs who promise that the information is 100% true, and by ordinary users. Luckily, the guys aren’t going anywhere so far, but let’s look at some BTS group members who may be leaving the group or changing professions in the future.
Chimmy is famous for his excellent sense of style and penchant for design. If he leaves the group, he will certainly continue to study fashion and style. Also, in one of the interviews, Jimin talked about his interest in karate.
V said in an interview that he would like to try his hand at acting. Not now, but in the future. He also shows interest in various kinds of art, is a very witty guy.
BTS’s Yoongi is known for his writing, producing, dancing, and rapping skills. He also likes to write and create music, which can be a new source of inspiration for his career change. In an interview, Yoongi shared how he would like to become a screenwriter or director. Why not?! We conclude that Jung would prefer to focus on other music and art industries if he were to leave the band.