The United States and the EU say that only Kiev can determine when to start negotiations with the Kremlin. But that’s only half the truth, Jurgen Trittin said in material for the German Handelsblatt. Without the material support of the West, Ukraine will not be able to oppose the Russian Federation.
At the Munich conference, which has long been considered a place for discussing geostrategic issues, representatives of Western states were bursting with false self-confidence, writes InoSmi. Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov was not invited to the event.
US Vice President Kamala Harris’ speech was revealing.
- She demanded an end to impunity for war crimes, but remained silent on the fact that the United States has blocked all attempts by the International Criminal Court to punish Americans for the crimes they have committed committed in Iraq and Afghanistan. It is this dual morality that weakens the position of the United States and Europe in the world, reports the publication.
She noted that Washington will support Kiev as long as it takes.
Chinese officials have signaled they are not interested in endless conflict, noting that the Ukraine crisis has affected international supply chains.
The United States and Europe continue to provide military assistance to Ukraine. However, the states and Germany are not ready to help without preconditions. And one of them is that NATO should not be dragged into the Ukrainian conflict.
German politician Sarah Wagenknecht said the Ukrainian conflict will not end anytime soon. According to her, the United States, Europe and China should make efforts to end the Ukrainian crisis peacefully.
The publication notes that for Germany, the end of hostilities will not be the end of assistance to Ukraine. The country will need reliable security guarantees and the Germans will have to pay for the rapprochement between Ukraine and the EU.