politeexpert.net”It’s snowing, it’s snowing all over the world…”, “It’s snowing, it’s snowing”, “It’s snowing, it’s snowing, it’s snowing”: the March blizzard put the people of Petersburg in a poetic mood, so much so that they began not only to quote the classics on the Web, but also themselves began to hastily pick up rhymes about off-road St. Petersburg.
A snowy mess with winds of up to 18 m/s has prompted residents of the cultural capital to get creative. The most spiritualized, victims of snowy sidewalks and highways, did not burn utilities, but followed in the footsteps of Pushkin’s “Metel”. After all, if the road services and the concierges are not in a hurry to rake the snowdrifts, it remains to show imagination by imagining oneself as a hero of the “Snow Queen”, taken captive in the ice.
Reader of the group “accident and emergency | St. Petersburg | Peter online | SPb “VKontakte even in prose managed to involuntarily quote the famous poem by Yevgeny Yevtushenko:“How beautiful is St. Petersburg in the time of Beglov (Governor of St. Petersburg Alexander Beglov. – Ed. approx.)! What white, clean snow on the pavement! “The white snows are coming”…» Prt scr vk.com/spb_today/ Accidents and incidents | Saint Petersburg | Stone online | St. Petersburg
Meanwhile, in the Curb City | St. Petersburg News”, users recalled a poetic passage from Fyodor Tyutchev “Winter is angry for a good reason”, arranging a real creative battle. The tape is full of quatrains:
“Winter be angry, be angry, One day it will be decided …” “Soon the stream will flow, And then there will be no more snow!” “Winter has decided to linger, So that we do not part with you. And let the work wait – I will not go out on the ice! Prt scr vk.com/porebriksity/Curb City | St. News Petersburg Prt scr vk.com/porebriksity/Porebrik city | Saint-Petersburg news Prt scr vk.com/porebriksity/Porebrik city | Saint-Petersburg news