| Freepik Company SLA Russian woman who moved to Germany has complained about the bullying of her children at one of the local schools. According to her, the students put her son on her lap and called him a “pig”.
The woman says the attitude of children in Germany towards their Russian-speaking peers is “unbearably terrible”. Most often they insult the children of migrants from Russia, but in some cases they also resort to other forms of humiliation. They are notably brought to their knees and ask for an apology “for what is happening in the world”.
“Children are terribly oppressed in school. My child is crying, does not want to go anywhere,” the Russian woman said in an interview with the news agency URA.Ru .
Russophobia is not a new phenomenon in Germany. Previously, a native of Donbass, Olga Stumpf, complained about the negative attitude of the Germans towards her. According to her, it started in 2011.