The leader of Chechnya, Ramzan Kadyrov, posted such a call on his Telegram channel. He asked Russians not to be afraid of mobilization, noting that those who do not know how to hold arms can be “called up” in terms of support.
“Don’t be afraid of mobilization. You can be called into the support unit if you don’t know how to hold a weapon. They are also fighters. And praise and honor to them too,” wrote the leader of Chechnya.
Kadyrov said Russians “shouldn’t listen to all kinds of pro-Western media that want to put the Russian military in a shameful light.” This writes “”.
“If everyone in their ranks is so terrible, then why can’t the whole NATO bloc support us? It’s fine friends, don’t worry. The mistakes have been taken into account, the tactics are working, the country is developing,” says Kadyrov.
The head of Chechnya also expressed his position to the military, who, being in the NVO zone, publish videos on various issues on the web. He believes that “internal problems” should not be “scattered on social networks”.
Earlier it became known that the United States asked the Chinese leader for talks with Volodymyr Zelenskyy .