Arav Khan, a fugitive accused of killing a police officer in Bangladesh, has been running a gold jewelry business in Dubai under the alias name Arav Khan. According to media reports, Arav Khan is an alias of Rabiul Islam, who is wanted for the murder of Mamun Emran Khan, the then inspector of the special branch of police in Bangladesh. This report provides an overview of the case of Arav Khan, including his background, whereabouts, and activities in Dubai.
Arav Khan claims to be hailing from Salt Lake City in Kolkata, India, and currently living in Brooklyn, New York City, USA, according to his Facebook ID. However, in reality, he currently lives in Dubai and runs a jewelry store named ‘Arav Jewellers’ in Dubai. According to media reports, Arav Khan is an alias of Rabiul Islam, who is wanted for the murder of Mamun Emran Khan, the then inspector of special branch of police in Bangladesh. Rabiul Islam also goes by the aliases Apan, Sohag, Redoy, and Hride.
Activities in Dubai
Arav Khan, under the guise of his alias, opened a gold jewelry business called ‘Arav Jewellers’ in Dubai’s Gold Souk. He spent hundreds of thousands of dollars on its inauguration, during which an emblem of ‘Arav Jewellers’ was put on display, made with 40 kilograms of gold. His activities in Dubai came to light in recent weeks, prompting investigations into his identity and background.
Rabiul Islam managed to obtain an Indian passport in 2020, and on February 23, 2020, he married an Indian female named Sajema Nasrin under the name Arav Khan. According to the marriage certificate, Arav Khan’s father’s name is Zakir Khan, and they reside in the Kandanpopur area in Narendrapur in Kolkata. After marrying Sajema Nasrin, Arav Khan obtained an Indian passport and flew to Dubai in 2021, where he opened a company jointly with a Dubai local. In July 2020, his Indian passport was issued from Kolkata, where his name was mentioned as Arav Khan, son of Jakir Khan and Rehana Bibi Khan. The passport will expire on July 27, 2030. Arav Khan now lives in Dubai, and the UAE authority issued him a resident permit from October 31, 2021, that will end on October 30, 2024.
Arav Khan, a fugitive accused of killing a police officer in Bangladesh, has been successfully running gold jewelry business in Dubai under the alias name Arav Khan. Despite claiming to be from Salt Lake City in Kolkata, India, and currently living in Brooklyn, New York City, USA, he currently resides in Dubai and runs ‘Arav Jewellers.’ The investigations into his identity and background are ongoing.