The Ministry of Labor provides many electronic services for various transactions, as part of the Ministry’s strategy in digital transformation of services and providing them to the public without the use of paper in order to achieve excellence in performance, speed of completion and simplification of procedures.
Among the electronic services is a To Whom It May Concern Certificate service for workers, which allows users to request any of the following, according to the Qatar e-government portal account: "governmental" on Twitter:
- Certificate of absence of salary – Certificate of total salary – Certificate of detailed salary
A smart card must be present to verify the identity of the authorized person in the establishment to use the service through the national authentication system "documentation"Where the service fee is 20 riyals.
The Ministry of Labor states in the user guide for requesting a To Whom It May Concern certificate for workers available via the link that once the user provides the user login details, he will receive a text message (OTP) for verification.
After logging in, the user will be redirected to another screen and from there, the user can either see:
- Certificates ready for payment: In this section the user will see a list of certificate requests that are pending for payment.
User can click on an icon "paying off" To pay the certificate fee, after successful payment, the certificate will be generated and transferred to a department "Ready to print".
- Ready to print certificates: In this section the user will see the list of completed certificates.
User can click on print icon to print any selected certificate. Or create a new certificate request by clicking the button "new" Which will redirect the user to create/request a new certificate page and the user can choose the type of certificate from the dropdown list "Type of certificate" And send the request by clicking on the button "send". which will redirect the user to a page "Payment confirmation".
The user can pay the fee by clicking on a button "to push". Payment can be made by card "credit/debit". Once the payment is successful, the user will see a confirmation page and the certificate will be available for printing on the tab "Ready to print".