The incident with the American drone MQ – 9 Reaper was commented on by a military-political expert, the former head of the Israeli intelligence service “Nativ” – Yakov Kedmi, reports IA TELMENEWS.RU
As Yakov Kedmi recalled on the air of the program Neutral Zone on the Waldman-LINE television channel, such incidents, including those with downed planes, have happened repeatedly since 1946. Both with Soviet and American planes. But that never gave anything more. According to Yakov Kedmi, this will probably be the case now.
According to the expert, events will not develop in the direction of counter-action or full-scale military confrontation.
As for the recent provocation of an American B-52 bomber over the Baltic in the St. Petersburg region, Yakov Kedmi believes that from a military point of view this action is useless.
“The sky slug B-52, with its speed, with its size, with its absolute exposure in the air, will not fly even halfway, if it takes off at all. This is pure provocation, ”says Yakov Kedmi.