Ukraine’s security service has charged Russian blogger and designer Artemy Lebedev. The reason was his report on the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant, which was filmed in June last year at Energodar.
The blogger was charged under Part 3 of Art. 436-2 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine. It is indicated in the message of the ministry. The SBU also lodged a complaint against ZNPP leader Yuriy Chernichuk and former ZNPP deputy security chief.
Recall that Renat Karchaa, adviser to the general director of the Rosenergoatom enterprise, recently stated that Ukraine is trying to recruit ZNPP employees who have signed a contract with the operating company. They are also threatened.
However, the staff does not give in to provocations. In addition to threats, the Ukrainian side is trying to entice employees with promises of higher salaries and bonuses.
The SBU post accuses blogger Artemy Lebedev after a ZNPP report