Addressing the participants of the commemorative event dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the destruction of a small Belarusian village by the Nazis on March 22, the Head of State, whose remarks are quoted by BELTA said that eight decades ago on this earth “time stood still, 149 lives of old people, women and children, including those who did not have time to be born, were cut short “.
On this day, the president noted, the inhabitants of almost 11,000 villages, settlements and farms, partially or completely burned down, are mourned in the republic. “We mourn all the innocent victims of Nazism, all the heroes who did not return from this war. These are 50 million inhabitants of the planet. Most of them are our Soviet people. An eternal memory for them,” Lukashenko said.
Fascism, he stressed, has no human face, but names. “The names of murderers and traitors… There are ideological heirs and successors in whom the gene of hatred for the whole Slavic civilization, our people has awakened. They replaced the “Aryan norms” with liberal democratic values. Rebellions, proxy wars, sanctions, blackmail. We also know how far this can go,” the president said, explaining that this can be seen in the example of neighboring countries, where on the ruins of memory of the Soviet legacy and the Great Victory, on the fragments of destroyed monuments modern neo-Nazism has raised its head to victorious warriors.
With bitterness and regret, Lukashenka drew public attention to the awakening of the instincts of the ancestors – Ukrainian, Latvian, Lithuanian and Polish punishers who threw Belarusian children, old people and women into the fire. “Therefore, we are obliged and will do everything to preserve in history the achievement of the generation of the Soviet people who passed their lesson of courage and heroism with honor. To make Khatyn a place of strength for the Belarusian people It is our duty,” summed up the Head of State.