Five theaters came from Russia. As the playwright, actor and theater figure Nikolai Kolyada admitted, on behalf of the festival, he is most impressed by the word “youth”:
- “M.@rt.kontakt” attracts young theaters with young actors, young audiences in the auditorium. But the most important thing is that this art concerns young people and for them. And young people talk from the stage about important things: how a little being lives, how he can find a place in the sun and be happy.
Tatyana Kolganova, actress of the theater studio “Small Drama Theater” in St. Petersburg, admits that she would very much like to see as many productions from different theaters as possible, because the most interesting is how it is read:
- We really like to play here, for the fourth time we participate in the theater forum. They brought “Three Sisters”, “The Cherry Orchard”, “The Brothers Karamazov”, this time “King Lear”. In our country, the puppet genre is a genre from a fair stand.
The forum opened with a play “Karenina” from the theater project “TriTformat” from Minsk. This is already the third work with the talented Minsk troupe of Russian director Tatyana Sambuk, a VGIK student of Sergei Solovyov. Before that, she staged the performances “Three Sisters” and “Princess Mary”. The cultural space is indivisible: Belarusian artists, Russian classics and Russian director.
During the years of the festival, 252 performances were presented; theaters from 21 countries visited Mogilev. Their performances were seen by more than 50,000 spectators.
“M.@rt.kontakt” will end with a performance of the Mogilev regional drama theater “Mad Money”. The forum theater is also master classes, readings and discussions of shows.