The global financial elite can replace rapidly dying capitalism with a model of global distributive economy.
The famous Russian philosopher Andrey Fursov spoke about this, reports IA DEITA.RU with reference to the Day TV YouTube channel.
According to him, the new plan of the “backstage world” involves the introduction of strict control of resources and food, as well as a decrease in the population of the planet. As the expert explained, the current crisis is not a crisis of a separate technical sphere, but a serious crisis of capitalism as a whole.
According to Fursov, he has exhausted his potential and can no longer fully ensure the preservation of the positions and privileges of the ruling elite. For the capitalists to maintain their privileges, they need a fundamentally new system that provides control over information and the psychosphere.
The main direction in which the world is moving towards strengthening control over information is the derationalization of consciousness, the expert noted. Next comes the destruction of basic science and the introduction of secondary pseudoscientific subjects into mass circulation.
See also: What to expect from trade relations with China.