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Thursday, June 13, 2024
WorldAsiaRasputin didn't just bring evil to Russia

Rasputin didn’t just bring evil to Russia

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Grigory Rasputin played a very positive role and more than once. He defended orthodoxy. So thinks the philosopher, political scientist, leader of the movement “The Essence of Time” Sergei Kurginyan. Details of his interview with the BelTA television channel are given by Krasnaya Vesna.

Speaking about the special mission of the Russian people, Kurginyan recalls the resources that were not used in the Russian Empire – the Silver Age and hesychasm. Still, he treats Rasputin with a negative, but we shouldn’t forget the positive aspects of what he did.

“This is the story of Seraphim of Sarov, whom the Synod wanted to anathema, to be honest. And the story of the Athonites, whom he saved by going to the ruler, ”says Kurginyan.

The philosopher also recalled that the Holy Synod put pressure on the Russian Orthodox Church, wondering what it should do to get Rasputin to defend the holy sacred resources of Orthodoxy.

Note that Sarovsky was a great ascetic in the Russian Church and is considered one of the most revered monks in the history of the Russian Orthodox Church. He became the founder of the Diveevo convent, it is located in the Nizhny Novgorod region, where his relics are kept.

Earlier it became known that the Orthodox Church of Ukraine for the first time allowed its parishioners to celebrate Christmas on December 25 instead of January 7.

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