The current geopolitical situation in the world compels China to take more decisive action.
This opinion was expressed by economist Mikhail Khazin during his author’s radio program “Moscow Speaks”, reports IA TELMENEWS.RU
As the expert explained, after the leader of the PRC managed to reconcile Saudi Arabia and Iran, many third world countries began to perceive the Celestial Empire as the second superpower of our time. , able to compete with the United States.
However, as Khazin noted, to achieve this high status, China, one way or another, will have to openly challenge America. This can manifest itself in particular by the return of Taiwan or the capture of the Korean peninsula.
At the same time, the expert notes that China itself, without reliable allies, is not yet ready for this. That is why the Chinese leader recently came to Russia, Khazine explained, precisely to secure the support of Russian partners.